is the new and popular kid on the block. I agree that it’s really
nice if you want a space opera game
with old school D&D rules and 100% compatibility to Swords & Wizardry
WhiteBox. I’ll write more about it soon.
That being said, my favorite D&D ruleset is
Whitehack at the moment.
But can’t we have the best of both worlds?
Whitehack (WH) is also based on S&W so conversion is totally possible.
It would be easier to take Whitehack’s 1st version as it was closer to
S&W, but I appreciate the 2nd version for its unified task mechanism.
Plus, you can’t get the 1st edition anymore. The idea is to take
Whitehack’s mechanisms and the fluff of White Star (WS). WH’s
character generation is pretty versatile so everything should work
without much need for modification. Even alien races are easy to model
as races are just groups. WH separates race and class. Let’s try to
build some level 1 characters for White Star’s default setting in the
Kelron sector. I’m going to roll 3d6 in order, so the characters are not
4 sample characters
Brendon Konicek, Human Deft Aristocrat
Str 9, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10 (Resistance)
HP 5, ST 7, AC 2, MV 25, AV 10
Attuned: Fine Clothing, (Communicator)
Laser Pistol (1d6+2), Kevlar West, Belt Pouch, 2 credits I chose Deft
for the Aristocrat because the Wise class gives him miracles (a.ka.
spells) which wouldn’t be what I’m looking for here (that would be more
appropriate for a Star Knight or Alien Mystic). Brendon has 1 slot for
attunements (a Deft character specialty). He is attuned to Fine
Clothing, so if he’s wearing them and wants to impress others he’ll get
a positive double roll (think Advantage in D&D 5e terms). Likewise, his
“inactive” for the slot is a communicator so he can use his silver
tongue with this device, too.
His vocation group is being an Aristocrat, his second group is being a
member of the Resistance (tied to CHA). His affiliation group ensures
that he has Resistance contacts but also needs to be wary because he’s
an enemy of the Galactic Consortium.
Whitehack’s movement rates differ from White Star, but you could take
WS’ rates if you prefer. That would also ensure compatibility with
spaceship combat. D’Kura, Qinlon Strong Mercenary
Str 11 (Quinlon), Dex 14 (Mercenary), Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 6
(Quinlon, Resistance)
HP 6, ST 5, AC 5, MV 25, AV 11
Melee option 2: push
Heavy Armor, Battle Axe (1d6+1), Breathing Mask, Flares, Flashlight, 10
credits Here is a melee combat machine. Not sure if WH’s melee options
port over to sci-fi as seamlessly but for now I don’t change them.
D’Kura has Quinlon as a species group, so that’s positive for strength
related feats but may be invoked negatively for Charisma. She’s also a
member of the Resistance.
Her vocation group is Mercenary. I tied it to DEX and it will give her
bonuses for dexterity-related tasks. Loran, Oday Wise Mystic
Str 15 (Oday), Dex 9, Con 6, Int 9, Wis 13 (Oday), Cha 7 (Resistance)
HP 7, ST 6, AC 2, MV 20, AV 10
Leather Vest, Staff (1d6), Med Kit, Recording Stick, Communicator, 4
“Stupor”, (“Hold Portal”), (“Purify Food & Drink”) Loran can choose two
miracles per slot, but only one is active. He has another inactive slot
for miracles as he has a Wisdom score of 13+. I just copied the level 1
Alien Mystic Gifts from White Star for the sake of simplicity. WH’s
miracles system is pretty open-ended and versatile so you can also go
another way and choose more free-form miracles if you like. For a Star
Knight/Jedi, you could write down something like “These are not the
droids you’re looking for” and it would be fine as people know how
that’s supposed to work. Y3-JG, Robot Wise Pilot
Str 9, Dex 13 (Pilot), Con 14 (Robot), Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 7 (Robot,
Resistance) HP 3, ST 6, AC 3, MV 25, AV 10
Light Plating, Laser Pistol (1d6+2), Toolkit
“Binary”, (“Mechanical Wonders”) This one is a bit curious because it’s
a mix of three concepts: WS’ Robot and Pilot class with WH’s ability to
work miracles. Because I didn’t want the PC to be able to have
Meditations or Gifts like the Alien Mystic or the Star Knight I opted
for “scientific”/mechanical miracles.
As I’m going for WS’ fluff with WH’s mechanics there is no need to write
down the Robot class abilities like Metal Body or Self-Repair.
Likewise, I don’t need to take the Pilot Class abilities slike
Jury-Rig into consideration. Everything is covered by the species and
the vocation group.
This concept really shows how versatile WH’s character creation is but
also shows that a lot of it is based on the narrative instead of “hard”
mechanics. I didn’t roll up a Star Knight this time. WH also comes with
a corruption mechanic so you could use that to model light side/dark
sight powers.
So, does this whole thing work?
In principle, yes. However, you forgo White Star’s sci-fi specific class
adjustments. This is most obvious with the Pilot class. Stuff like
Stick Jockey or Reroute Power give rules for starship combat which
are missing from Whitehack.
However, you can do a lot with WH’s groups so if your character is a
Pilot she will automatically get bonuses for related tasks (see WH’s
section about Skills & “Trained Rolls” on p. 15).
Let’s take Jury-Rig for an example (WS p.20):
JURY-RIG: Once per day a Pilot may attempt a quick fix on a starship. This takes one (1) round and restores a number of Hit Points to the starship equal to 1d6 per level of the Pilot. […]
With WH, you would rule that the PC has to make a “trained Dex roll”. If
the PC isn’t a Pilot she would need to make a negative double roll
(Disadvantage in D&D 5e terms). If the PC has Pilot as a group
somewhere on the character sheet she can make a normal check. And a PC
with Pilot as a group for DEX would even get a positive double roll.
As a result, choosing Pilot as vocation will ensure that you are good at
flying ships, space combat and tinkering with your spacecraft and gives
the same flavor as WS’ Pilot Class.
Does it make sense?
It depends on your personal preference. I’m happy with White Star when I
want to play old school space-opera sci-fi. It works out of the box and
has familiar rules. Whitehack is more “Neo-OSR” and incorporates some
modern/indie/narrative concepts which I really enjoy. It is flexible and
also suited for other genres. One could take WS’ starship rules and port
them over to WH. Still, that’s work which needs to be done.
I have a few friends who are not so much fans of old school D&D but
could perhaps be convinced to play Whitehack as it mitigates some of
their concerns (class restrictions, race-as-class, XP bonus for certain
stats etc.). For this reason, I would use Whitehack.
Other than that, I am probably too lazy to convert the material as I
also see no fault in using Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox/White Star and see
no need to overcomplicate things.
(aff) Whitehack